Monday, January 19, 2009

Running can save your life in more ways than one!

I had planned on getting a little less emotional this week, however I read this story in the current issue of Runner's World magazine, and could not shake the power of this story.

So I'm not going to talk about how I'm a little freaked by the increase in mileage this week in my half-marathon training plan, which is only 40 days away!!

Instead I want to tell anyone willing to listen about this story. You see, the fact that it is running related is coincidental to the fact it deserves to heard by others. The young woman pictured here started an organization called Back On My Feet

This organization goes into homeless shelters and offers to take some homeless people for a run. They offer some running equipment in return for a commitment to a running program. Above that they offer other support programs after members have shown a commitment over time. The program intro from the BOMF website:

To solve any problem you have to get at its core. We have all been on rocky roads in life and some people have unfortunately found themselves on a road without a home. BOMF does not provide food for the homeless nor does it provide shelter. While those are very important basic needs that all human beings deserve, we provide a program that teaches people to believe in themselves because it doesn't matter if you have 20 homes or 0 homes; if you don't have confidence in yourself it's very difficult to move forward. We use running as a vehicle to show individuals they are capable accomplishing goals...but it's not going to happen overnight - it takes hard work, dedication and perseverance."

There are no guarantees in life we all could be a little kinder and helpful to one another. You never know when you'll be staring up from the bottom. In these uneasy economic times anyone can end up here for any number of reasons, but without people reaching out a hand like Anne the lost and forgotten would remain lost and forgotten. This is a fate very few human beings deserve.

I'll end with a quote from Anne's CNN Hero acceptance speech. Kinda makes you feel a bit like a jerk when over come with anger for getting cut off while driving or losing two space in a reservation list for dinner.

"It makes me wonder where we went wrong when treating others with respect, caring, and kindness is considered heroic." Anne Mahlum, CNN Hero acceptance speech. Which can be viewed here.

Next week a little more nuts and bolts of how a slightly fat, mostly bald forty something guys trains for a half-marathon!!

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