Thursday, May 14, 2009

Running ... again, FINALLY!

It's taken a bit, but I have finally gotten back to it. After running the Cowtown Half I lost a BUNCH of motivation. I didn't have a good run on the day of the half. I did it, but after that, I can't claim much.

I have FINALLY started running regularly again. Two miles at first, slowly, but 2 miles. Then that feeling I'd been missing for months crept into my body. Gotta love endorphins! I'd missed that feeling. I'd forgotten how much.

This leads me to another point. Something I'd never dreamed I'd ever say. I am a runner. There I said it. Now, there are those of you that have known me for sometime that are catching your breath from the fit of laughter you have either just finished or are still in. It's OK. I understand. There are days when that guy wins. The Buffalo wing eating, beer drinking, couch potato guy wins. He just got done with a two month stint of winning. But, it's the running guy's turn.

Yeah there will be days when it's raining and I won't want to get up early and run before my kiddos wake up. But, there will be no more two month stretches of doing nothing. I miss it too much. I need to do it. My family needs me to. They like me better, I like me better. So, thankfully, I am once again a regular guy running!!
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