Thursday, January 14, 2010

Polar FT60, a Swiss Army Knife.

This is a review of the Polar FT60 heart rate monitor (HRM). I've been using the FT60 for about 4 months. Prior to using this HRM I was using a Garmin Forerunner 305, so I got the FT60 with the S1 foot pod to track my mileage. I was leery of the accuracy of the foot pod versus the GPS. This was quickly put to rest. My experience to this point is that the foot pod is actually more accurate and consistent than the GPS unit on the 305.

The FT60 is easy to use, once through the manual and the watch functions are pretty intuitive. The highlights of the FT60 are these:

1. Can be paired with the S1 foot pod or the G1 GPS unit from Polar.
2. Has a built in training program called STAR.
3. Doesn't look like you father's HRM

The fact that this HRM works with either foot pod or GPS is what makes it so versatile. This HRM can be used to for any outdoor fitness activity. Run a lot, get the foot pod. Bike a lotor are a triathlete, get the GPS.

The STAR program is built into the device is kinda cool. It assesses your current fitness level and after asking a few questions it builds a fitness program for you. Every Monday you get a summary of your previous week's workouts, and if you followed the STAR program, you get a trophy on the face of your device. I have yet to attain this, but it something to shoot for.

Some of you follow your own training schedules, but for those looking for a fitness program it is certainly a place to start.

As for asthetics, this watch is sweet. I have gotten numerous compliments on and I even had a non-fitness friend ask me where I got it on the "that's a great looking watch" factors alone. You can wear it working out, casually and even in dress situations.

In summation, as far as HRM's go if you are into all sorts of physical actvities, and don't really know what your want or need in a HRM, this is a great unit. You can just the HRM and then add either the foot pod or GPS later, or both. Can you get a device that provides more detailed or sport specific inforamtion, yup, but if you want a do it all and looks great doing it watch, you have to go a long to beat the FT60.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Endurance Sports Thrive on Social Media... Who'd a Thunk It?

Maybe it's through the enjoyment of what some would call suffering that thickens the bond amongst those who are endurance athletes. It could be that smirk and knowing nod exchanged between the runner and cyclist both soaked to the skin from plying their craft in the rain when most are knee deep in beer and chicken wings watching football.

Can you blame our non-endurance friends for thinking we're nuts? Well, having been one of those folks not too terribly long ago the answer is short, no you can't. However, after you experienced "it" (fill in the blank with your reason)sitting inside on that same rainy day seems absolutely crazy!

Fear not fellow "loons" there are a lot of us, and they can be found pervasively on sites like Twitter and The Daily Mile, a link to both can be found to right of this post. They will take you directly to my not so handsome face. Click at your own risk. But, if you fancy yourself an endorphin junkie, or want to be and you really want to learn A TON about it in a short period of time then click away. You'll find plenty of support, help, motivation, tough love, sarcasm and even some really cool give aways! I haven't really run across anyone that wouldn't want you to meet or exceed your goals and not get hurt doing it.

There is a wealth of information available to you (most learned the hard way by some very intelligent people) I'll give you a bit of a head start on Twitter with some of my favorites:

@hellasound - He's listed first because this list concept is shall we say borrowed from his 110 people to follow in 2010 list, and because of his rockin' tunes

@coachprs - He was Chi running before it was cool (or called that) and loves to help all levels of folk have fun and train smart

@ironbrandon - He has a passion for endurance sport like few I've ever seen and would help anyone who asks accomplish their goals. His podcast is informative and fun

@alitherunner - She's a regular mom running, and I'm pretty sure we were siblings in a previous life

@bemadthen @krystheilen @ragdoll_inc - 3 girls from San Antonio that should have their own TV show. Very funny!

@shootruntri - She video blogs her runs even the ones in -10 degree days or nights. I think the girl is part polar bear

@kelownagurl - She's Canadian, but will converse with us Yanks anyway. Always there when you need her.

@shutterbitch - She could be the funniest person I've never met. Just started following her, and feel somehow deprived for not following sooner

@landicefitness - They are a treadmill manufacturer that is really doing a good job getting their arms around runners on a personal level and they give away cool stuff

@brooksrunning - They are really good at this social media thing. They are a large company that makes you feel like you're the only one wearing their shoes. Awesome!

There are loads more people out there willing to help, finding them is half the fun. It is great to be reminded daily how social running is, you don't have to do this yourself if you don't want to. We here waiting for you!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

What are Your Goals for the TEN?

Well, in running terms I am a newbie. I've been at the consistent running thing for about a year. When I started running I weighed about 270 pounds. I lost 45 pounds in 2009 through running and better eating habits. I went from the couch to running a half marathon. I now have completed 3 half marathons, and I have some big fitness goals for 2010:

1. Run a Half in less than 2:30
2. Duathlon
3. Sprint Triathlon
4. MS150
5. 5k in sub 30:00
6. Race my first 10k
7. Stay Healthy
8. First Full Marathon
9. Represent Brooks Running with enthusiasm

This is the time of year when people do this sort of thing, write your goals down. Your odds go up dramatically when you write down your goals. Don't let another go by before you commit to your goals, fitness or other wise. Time goes by too quickly. What are your goals?
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